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I'd like Semantic MediaWiki installed on Cogitopédie (If I ask on one wiki, it installs on everywiki on my account, is this right? That's what I noticed.)

The reason is that I use my wiki like a school to learn to manage a wiki, I'd like to learn to make it semantic.

I saw that you had several semantic wikis on Shoutwikis. (Battlestar wiki, etc...), I'd like to learn by using this extension.

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Event Timeline

lewiscawte triaged this task as Normal priority.
lewiscawte removed a project: Extension Wishlist.
lewiscawte added a subscriber: lewiscawte.

nor is Phabricator appropriate for individual wiki setting requests. Please send an email to

I'll rephrase - Phabricator is not the place for individual requests for changes to wikis. Phabricator is for tracking software issues and for additions of features not already in our repository, i.e, not listed on the page which you linked to.