User Details
- User Since
- Jun 15 2016, 1:08 PM (456 w, 3 h)
- MediaWiki User
- Unknown
Aug 7 2016
What do you mean by that? The feed stuff comes from MediaWiki core, so provided that it's not a configuration issue with ShoutWiki, we should report it upstream if it hasn't already been fixed there.
I heard that it is Chromium-specific error. See screenshot.
The contents of the NewsBox are pulled from MediaWiki:Newsbox on the Interface Messages Wiki. It is true that the linked page is somewhat old and unfortunately named, but nevertheless we are always interested in hearing your thoughts!
To be honest, there aren’t any interesting things to link to them. Russian Wikia (and maybe others too) has monthly competition (users vote for best wiki on forum and on VK (Facebook analog) and staff votes too). I think, ShoutWiki needs competitions and other cool stuff.
This is partially true. However, I'm pretty confident we're not going to achieve a massive improvement in page loading times by removing all the spaces and whatnot from the source files. You're right in that optimization is needed, but I'd argue that back-end optimization will be more useful in the long run.
I found some whitespace-removing services. They removed 4KB from HTML. It isn’t much, I agree.
Aug 5 2016
Jul 9 2016
- Sidebar would be great.
Jul 6 2016
- What about this tiles like in Windows 8 & 10?
- I know only one way to get to Phabricator: write URL in the address bar. Link can make it easier.
I'm not a designer at all, but I have some ideas:
- Use flat design;
- List popular and big wiki;
- Make giant blue button that creates a wiki;
- Little amount of text, more pictures;
- What is the logo of Shoutwiki? Butterfly? Maybe change it?
- How much languages are supported? 10? It's not very much, don't you think so? If I remember correctly, Wikia supports more languages;
- More help pages;
- Make giant blue button that user can contact support Team with;
- Link to Phabricator somewhere;
- Make giant blue button that links to forum.
What do you think?
Jun 15 2016
Ads are looking weird on Mobile Chrome too. Samsung Galaxy A3, Android 5.0.2, Mobile Chrome 51. Can anyone check ads with other browsers?