Jun 14 2020
May 3 2020
Mar 4 2019
Dec 16 2018
Dec 9 2018
The biggest difficulty in this idea is that users are able to set their language in MediaWiki, but nothing about the HTTP environment carries forward that language setting, so when an HTTP request is made and hits an error page, there's little-to-nothing to go off of in that request to indicate what the target language should be as it isn't querying their MediaWiki user preferences. When I think of ideas for creating a localized error page in a wiki environment, Wikipedia comes to mind with their localization in the subdomain (e.g. en.wikipedia.org, fr.wikipedia.org, etc), where you could theoretically make an nginx if statement that picks up the subdomain and returns a different error_page directive depending on the subdomain. However on ShoutWiki where the domains don't indicate the site language, that doesn't work. Even if you were to query the site's content-language response header before returning a PHP-based error_page, the site's content-language could be different than the user's customized preferences.
Jul 5 2017
So the idea, other than just providing the deletion log if a wiki was deleted, is to provide something along the lines of the old Wikia home page with image links to related and big wikis.
Jun 11 2017
Mar 30 2017
Mar 18 2017
Mar 14 2017
While having this page available in as many languages would be nice, I'm not really sure if it's feasible.
Since 403 and 404 errors are different, I've split them off to T185.
Thinking about it, we could do with a better 404 and 403 error page.