User Details
- User Since
- Jun 15 2016, 8:20 PM (451 w, 3 d)
- MediaWiki User
- SamanthaNguyen [ Global Accounts ]
Jan 10 2018
Jan 6 2018
Oct 21 2017
For what we're concerned of, this has been basically resolved on the internal wiki - this can also be dynamically determined by checking if the configuration is public or private. Also see {T227} (private task)
Sep 23 2017
Unfortunately we don't support renaming accounts, and probably won't for a while. Global renaming is only a feature in MediaWiki that exists as a sub-extension of CentralAuth, but we don't use CentralAuth for supporting our global user base, as it's designed specifically for Wikimedia's infrastructure (meaning it has Wikimedia-specific code).
Sep 10 2017
I've only seen one request so far interested, so I'm going to decline this. The better route would be to look into merging parts of HAWelcome into NewUserMessage first, as mentioned by @jack above. Not very important though. If more requests pop up, then maybee
Closing. This isn't our issue (we don't develop for EasyTimeline); anyone interested in having that issue fixed should look at upstream (instead of here) where the actual development and issue tracking is located.
Aug 29 2017
Aug 27 2017
See T87#3212.
See T87#3212.
See T87#3212.
See T87#3212.
See T87#3212.
See T87#3212.
Closing, as simply not interested anymore and most likely not going to invest this in any time soon.
Jul 18 2017
Jul 7 2017
Jun 24 2017
Turns out there's another message too, which is Notification-header-welcome, which says {{GENDER:$2|Welcome}} to {{SITENAME}}, $1! We're glad {{GENDER:$2|you're}} here.
Jun 22 2017
Well, just in case if this means anything, Echo supports a notification for edits made for the very first time. It doesn't require us having to manually delete it on our side. The message is located at notification-header-thank-you-1-edit, so it's technically customisable. Here's a screenshot:
- After reading through this task, it looks like no one mentioned whether or not we want a wiki-editable main page or a splash page (like Brickimedia's old splash page). Splash page gives more freedom but obviously more, long-term maintenance work. What do others think we should have? I think we can try out both, since it won't hurt to try either.
- Colors: We can create our color palette by using some the colors that the Aurora skin has, with modifications as needed - consistency is important. (Although, I'll be honest here, I don't particularly like the black as the primary color since it's such a strong color and thus distracts away from the most important thing, which is content. This is something for another discussion though).
- Languages: Although i18n is a nice-to-have, at least in my view this is sorta low-priority compared to the rest.
- Pictures: From what I've seen, there seems to be quite a bit of wikis that don't have their own logo, so doing this would be sort of a problem.
- {{FEATUREDUSER}}, {{FEATUREDARTICLE}}, and {{WIKINEWS}}, and {{FEATUREDLOGO}} by @mgagemorgan: While that idea as a concept is cool, this entirely depends on us picking something out of a list to decide what should be featured (or we can use the API to pick something randomly, although I imagine that could potentially be an expensive query? Personally, I don't know much about performance + SQL).
- As for wiki News: Is it the same type of news we have on our page? That shouldn't be that much of a problem. What's something that users are interested in? (If we're referring to cross-wiki news, well, that's obviously a lot more work, and requires a team of good, dedicated writers who are able to keep up with the communities on this platform, which there's a lot of; something we currently don't have).
- Piwik stuff: I'm not familiar with the API, but if it's of interest, then here's a link:
- Sidebar idea: Maybe, that sounds interesting. This would be the place for secondary information - stuff that's not as important as other info. Now, what do we consider secondary information?
- Tiles idea by @Bouncepaw: So this is possible with pure CSS actually, using the flex box model. Although, it's somewhat complicated (but of course, still possible). Check on how it works. Another thing to point out though is it's compatibility across browsers: It's completely unsupported for IE9 and only partial support for IE10 and IE11 + luckily it's supported in Edge though. Check for the full details. This doesn't match MediaWiki's browser compatibility matrix, which is what we generally try to be consistent with. So realistically speaking, we'd probably have to use JS and possibly pick an existing library.
Jun 21 2017
Fixed in rSHWK4226
Fixed in rSHWK4226
Jun 20 2017
Jun 17 2017
Jun 15 2017
Jun 13 2017
Jun 11 2017
Jun 8 2017
Jun 2 2017
May 1 2017
Oops, moved upstream instead:
Apr 29 2017
Apr 28 2017
The original requester no longer wants it and no one else has requested it, so closing this as invalid.
Apr 27 2017
Mar 29 2017
Mar 26 2017
Mar 18 2017
Mar 14 2017
Since 403 and 404 errors are different, I've split them off to T185.
Mar 5 2017
Shouldn't a default logo image be provided inside of Refreshed source code itself instead? Currently Refreshed doesn't provide any, and it's be nice if not only SW wikis could have a default but other wikis have one too.
Mar 4 2017
Agreed with @ashley that Hub should be on the dropdown menu. What about the default logo? I believe there should be some sort of image placeholder created or have it support text, so I'll look for the upstream ticket/make a ticket upstream
Mar 3 2017
Feb 25 2017
Feb 15 2017
Feb 10 2017
Fixed in rSHWK4134
Feb 6 2017
As per discussion on IRC, this should be done on a case-by-case basis.
Feb 2 2017
Any thoughts on this @isarra? btw, here's the gradients that I managed to create after converting them to CSS (the #head and #foot needs borders but the gradients can be modified again to keep the psuedo-border, or we can also use the border property too)
#head { background: #737373; background: -moz-linear-gradient( top, #737373 0%, #2a2a2a 100% ); background: -webkit-linear-gradient( top, #737373 0%, #2a2a2a 100% ); background: linear-gradient( to bottom, #737373 0%, #2a2a2a 100% ); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#737373', endColorstr='#2a2a2a', GradientType=0 ); }